

Multiple-Bit Encodings of Bragg Photonic-structures by Using Consecutive Etch with Various Square Wave Currents




New method to encode multiple photonic features of Bragg type reflector on silicon wafer has been investigated. Multiple bit encodes of distributed Bragg reflector features have been prepared by electrochemical etching of crystalline silicon by using various square wave current densities. Optical characterization of multi-encoding of distributed Bragg reflectors on porous silicon was achieved by Ocean optics 2000 spectrometer for the search of possible applications of multiple bit encoding of distributed Bragg reflectors such as multiplexed assays and chemical sensors. The morphology and cross-sectional structure of multi-encoded distributed Bragg reflectors was investigated by field emission scanning electron micrograph.


 1. Introduction
 2. Experimental Section
  2.1. Sample Preparation
  2.2. Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
 3. Result and Discussion
 4. Conclusion


  • Bo-Yeon Lee Department of Chemistry, Chosun University
  • Minwoo Hwang Department of Chemistry, Chosun University
  • Hyun Cho Department of Chemistry, Chosun University
  • Hee-Chol Kim Department of Chemistry, Chosun University
  • Sungdong Ch Department of Chemistry, Chosun University


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