

호남지역에서 뇌우에 의한 돌풍사례 분석


A Study on the Gust with Thunderstorm in Honam Area


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years, South Korea has often witnessed damages by gusts caused by thunderstorms in summer. The Korea Meteorological Administration defines that a gust happens when the maximum instantaneous wind velocity is 10m/s or more and draws up hourly observation reports. When a cumulonimbus develops due to an ascending current and reaches the height of 12~16 km, the temperature of the cloud top drops and a lightening happens, which causes a gust accompanied by a thunderstorm and further regional meteorological damage. It’s difficult to predict a regional gust with the mesoscale prediction model at the administration. Thus this study set out to analyze the damage cases by a gust accompanied by a thunderstorm and to make a contribution to the prediction and understanding of a gust by a thunderstorm. A gust by a thunderstorm happens where potential equivalent temperature converges or is higher than the surrounding areas. The convergence area of potential equivalent temperature matches the track of thunderstorm cells. The Kimje gust took place where high potential equivalent temperature converged, and the Jangsu gust did as the area of high potential equivalent temperature approached. There should be a good amount of vapor supply with the moisture flux converging at the bottom layer in order to bring instability. In addition, it should collide into a dry and cold atmosphere at 700 hPa. The moving track at the center of the low dew point spread corresponds to that of a gust.


 1. 서론
 2. 자료 및 분석과정
 3. 분석 결과
  3.1. 전라북도 김제 돌풍사례(2008년 7월 23일) 분석
  3.2. 광주지방 돌풍시례(2006년 6월 10일) 분석
  3.3. 전라북도 장수지방 돌풍사례 (2005월 7월 2일) 분석
 4. 요약 및 결론


  • 조은희 Eun-Hee Cho. 문산기상대/대전지방기상청


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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