

NEMA NU2-2001을 이용한 PET-CT 스캐너의 물리적 특성평가


Evaluation of Physical Characteristics of Discovery ST scanner Using NEMA NU2-2001 Standard


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a new standard for performance measurement, NEMA NU2-2001 was presented recently. In this study, I investigated the spatial resolution, sensitivity, scatter fraction, and noise equivalent count ratio (NECR) in order to know the information of physical characteristics and system performance of GE discovery ST using this new standard. Bismuth germinate crystals (6×6 array, 6.3 mm×6.3 mm×30 mm) were used in discovery ST (energy window:375-650 keV, coincidence window:11.7 nsec). To measure the sensitivity, five aluminum sleeves (Data Spectrum Corp., Chapel Hill, NC., USA, thickness:1.25 mm)-NEMA sensitivity phantom- filled with F-18 solution were used. Successive measurements in 2D and 3D acquisition mode were made with a line source at the center of transaxial field of view and 10 cm off from the center until the count was over 500,000. Spatial resolution was estimated using a point source (F-18, 0.1 mCi) at different locations in the FOV. Scatter fraction and NECR was tested using a NEMA scatter phantom. Dynamic data were acquired for 7 half-lives using F-18 solution. And true to background ratio was averaged at last three frames when the random rate was as small as ignorable for the calculation of scatter fraction. We anticipate this overall evaluated results could be used for the quality assurance and optimized image acquisition for clinical research.


 1. 서론
 2. 대상 및 방법
  1. 스캐너 사양
  2. 네마표준평가
  3. 추가적인 성능 평가
 3. 실험결과
  1. 네마표준평가
  2. 추가적인 성능평가
 4. 결론


  • 이병일 Byeong-il Lee. 전남대학교병원 핵의학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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