




A Study on “IKAU” used in the Japanese Text Books of Cheo Hae Sin eo


韓鐸哲, 趙堈熙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study on “IKAU” used in the Japanese Text Books of Cheo Hae Sin eo Han, Tak-Cheol․Cho Gang-Hee With a study on IKAI, IKAU revived in the spoken language society in the period of Muromachi, the revision condition, the property and state by meaning classification of modificands are investigated by means of a data analysis of the original text, the revision text, and the republication text of Cheo Hae Sin eo. Renyoukei and Retaikei are used nearly equally in Japanese domestic data, but only IKAU type is used as an adverb in the original text. KAJANG of the Korean translation is also used as an adverb. In the revision text, the various methods such as the revised IKAU from other words, the revised other words from IKAU, and ellipsis of the IKAU part etc. are under consideration, but the revised IKAU is used when the revision condition is modifying or emphasizing the state of degree. The 14 examples in the original text show degrees of adverb. IKAU in the revision and republication text is used as an adverb. When revising, the revised IKAU is used in the strong degree state. The fact that adjective IKAU in Cheo Hae Sin eo is fixed as a degree adverb becomes clear with these facts.


 2. 連用形「いかう」と連体形「いかい」
 3. 「いかう」の被修飾語の分類
 4. 『捷解新語』における「いかう」の改修
  (1) 「きやうさん(仰山)」が「いかう」へ
  (2) 「いかにも」が「いかう」へ
  (3) 「いちたん(一段)」が「いかう」へ
  (4) 「ことのほか」が「いかう」へ
  (5) 「いかう」に該当する語が改修本で「省略」された場合
  (6) 「いかう」が「すいふん(随分)」へ
  (7) 「いかう」がそのまま「いかう」へと変化がない場合
 5. おわりに


  • 韓鐸哲 한석철. 東明大學校 副教授 日本語學
  • 趙堈熙 조강희. 釜山大學校 教授 日本語學


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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