


朝鮮時代の「儒教」と「楽」について* - 思想史からの一試論 -


A Preliminary Study on Confucianism and Music in the Joseon Dynasty

조선시대の「유교」と「악」について* - 사상사からの일시론 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Preliminary Study on Confucianism and Music in the Joseon Dynasty Choi, Jae-Mok This paper is a preliminary study on confucianism and music in the Joseon dynasty. In Joseon dynasty, not only having the development of Confucian ritual(禮, Rye), but also having the development of the Confucian music(樂) by Confucian scholars and Scholars officials. In the first time, the Confucian music did not highlighted on the front of the society in the Joseon Dynasty that was the Confucian society, compare with the Confucian ritual. The Confucian rituals had became widely available even in the palaces also in the private life of people. But the Confucian music, at first, was used only for ceremonies and the national level events. It is the Aak(雅樂) that is the music for use in ceremonies, and the Dangak(唐樂) that is the music for use making be bright, be correct the palace. Hyangak(郷楽) is the unique music of the country have inherited in Korea. The Aak and Jeongak is based on classical texts of ancient and medieval Chinese literature and philosophy, such as the Riji(禮記, The text on confucian ritual), the Analects of Confu년(論語) etc. In the the Joseon dynasty, as a national project created the most important Confucian classic music books is Akhakgwebeom(樂學軌範) edited by Songhyon(成俔), a canon and the manual of confucianism music of Joseon, musical instruments, music system etc is recorded in detail. When the late Joseon dynasty, from the national level to the private sector be discussed and practiced, by the Confucian scholars, so called, Sonbi(士, confucian scholars). It is just Muinomak(文人音樂, Confucian scholars Music), such as Jeongak(正樂) as the Aak(雅樂), means just correct, pure and good music.


 Ⅱ. 「楽」が志向するもの-「礼」との対比から-
 Ⅳ. 結 


  • 崔在穆 최재목. 嶺南大学 哲学科


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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