

특집 : 동북아시아의 신화와 고고학

러시아 연해주 출토 석검의 연구 - 형식, 편년 및 한반도와의 비교를 중심으로 -


A study on the stonge daggers from Far Eastern Region of Russia in 1st mil. B.C.,


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A study on the stonge daggers from Far Eastern Region of Russia in 1st mil. B.C., Kang, In-Uk In this study, author analyzes the chronology, typological attributes of stone daggers in the Far Eastern Region(Primorie as belows). Firstly, author divides the stone daggers into four types based on tang shapes. I type has round or rectangular shaped tang, on which separative hilt could be inserted. II type has an oval shaped tang, on which cord could be winded to support steady handling of hilt. Especially, II type is subdivided into two subgroupds, dependant upon the pommel shape. III type belongs to hilt dagger with knot on pommel. IV type is similar to hilt dagger in Korean peninsula. As for the chornology, the appearance of stone dagger in Primorie is related to the diffusion of stone cist tombs culture(or Shaoyingzi culture) from Yanbian area in 12~10 th cet. B.C.. II-2 type, whose pommel are strongly similar to Karasuk dagger ones, could be dated to the late period of Karasuk Bronzes(around 10th cen. B.C.). III and IV types is only found in Yankovsky culture. so it could be dated to 8~3rd cen. B.C. As mentioned above, stone daggers in Primorie could be dated to 2 period. First period is pre-yankovsky culture(I,II type) and second period is during Yankovsky culture(III,IV type). As for the origin of stone daggers, the usage of stone daggers in Primorie is concerned with the diffusion of bronze age culture from Manchuria, and karasuk bronze also contributed to formation of pommels. As Yankovsky culture spread ovet the coastal area of Primorie and Anuchino culture in continent III, IV types were used. Previously some researchers regarded III,IV type daggers as result of diffusion of Tagar culture. But, there is no concrete evidences of cultural interactions between Primorie and Souther Siberia. So. authour suggested that the formation of III, IV type dagger were developed autonomously from I,II daggers. The existence of stone daggers in Primorie is unique only for Primorie and Korean Peninsula. So, to investigate stone daggers in Primoire could shed light on the research on the bronze age of Korea as a comparative examples of stone dagger's usage in bronze age.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연해주 석검 연구의 현황
  1. 연해주 석검의 분포 및 소장상황
  2. 연구사
 Ⅲ. 연해주 석검의 형식분류
 Ⅳ. 고찰
  1. 형식별 편년 및 기원
  2. 동북아시아 석검문화 속의 연해주
  3. 한반도 석검과의 비교
 V. 결론


  • 강인욱 Kang, In-Uk. 부경대학교 사학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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