

중국대학 한국어 전공자를 위한 <양반전>교육 연구 - <범진 향시 급제(范進中擧)>와의 비교를 중심으로 -


The Teaching of 'Yang-ban-jeon' for Students of Korean Language Major in Chinese Universities


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Zhu, Cui-ying. 2010. The Teaching of 'Yang-ban-jeon' for Students of Korean Language Major in Chinese Universities. Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture. Vol. 8-1. 231-254. To help Chinese students comprehensively grasp 'Yang-ban-jeon', and promote their enthusiasms, the author compared 'Yang-ban-jeon' with 'Fan Jin Succeeds in the Imperial Examination' from chapter 3 of 'The Scholars' that is one of the representatives of Chinese satirical novels and was written around the same period as 'Yang-ban-jeon', and summarized the teaching contents of Yang-ban-jeon for Chinese students. To verify the effect of teaching in methods of focusing on comparisons between two works and centralizing on students' actions, and to find the shortcomings of the teaching method, the author performs simulated teachings twice. The author refers the data obtained in simulated teaching, and expounds the textbooks, contents and methods of teaching 'Yang-ban-jeon' that are suitable for the students in Korean Language major of Chinese universities. (Seoul National University)


 1. 서론
 2. <범진 향시 급제>와의 비교를 통한 <양반전>교육의 이론적 검토
  2.1. <양반전>과 <범진 향시 급제>의 비교 가능성
  2.2. 비교문학 관점에서의 작품 비교의 의의
 3. 중국대학 한국어 전공자를 위한 연암소설 교육실천에 대한 검토
  3.1. 첫 번째의 교육 실천에 대한 검토
  3.2. 두 번째의 교육 실천에 대한 검토
 4. 중국대학 한국어 전공자를 위한 <양반전> 교육의 설계
  4.1. 중국대학 한국어 전공자를 위한 <양반전> 교육의 자료 구성
  4.2. 중국대학 한국어 전공자를 위한 <양반전>의 교수․학습 실제
 5. 결론


  • 축취영 Zhu, Cui-ying. 서울대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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