

호주에서의 한국어 및 한국어교육의 현황


The current state of Korean Language and KFL education in Australia


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sim, Sang-min. 2011. The current state of Korean Language and KFL education in Australia. Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture. Vol.8-1. 65-82. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current situation of Korean Language and KFL education in Australia. This paper is composed to three parts such as the status of Korean Language in Australia, the present situation of KFL education institutes, and the prospect of KFL education in Australia. KFL education has developed due to Australian government's asian language policy, that is, NALSAS and NALSSP. However, Korean language has not been dealt with significant language compared with other asian languages(Japanese, Chinese, and Indonesian). In order to promote KFL education in Australia, this paper suggest some considerations, that is, the development of KFL curriculum, various textbook and teaching-learning method, KFL teacher training program, connection KFL program between primary, secondary and tertiary level, the continuous support from Korean government.(Yeungnam University)


 1. 들어가기
 2. 호주에서의 한국어의 위상
 3. 재호 한국어교육기관의 현황
 4. 호주에서의 한국어교육의 전망과 대책
 5. 나오기
 참고 문헌


  • 심상민 Sim, Sang-min. 영남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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