

한국트로트음악의 수용과 형성과정


The Reception & Formation of Korean Trot Music


피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the field of a study on Korean Trot Music, quite a lots of scholar have studied of the transition. I would like to point out that some kinds of music genre was derived from a hymn which has began from the late period of the Choseon Dynasty and the spread of Chang-ga which is Japanese version of the Korean style singing. Thanks to an inflow of a score which is sort of musical notation after the cultural open, the learning of Western musical theory and advent of the foreign instrument. it was assimilated as a Trot music in Korean society. Of course, Pansorri and Korean Traditional Song which had been consisted of mainstream began to be pushed out by Korean Lied or New Folk Song and a various genre which has include lots of song of special composer.
A popular song in the early period was settled as an waltz rhythm which has similar figure with the Korean traditional music. But this popular song accommodated trot rhythm that of western in 1930s to keep a popularity from another music genre. As a production of trot rhythm based song, Korean Trot Music began to be gradually located in domestic.
After 1950s, we could observe the great change of Trot music. It was affected by not a western popular song like a hymn in the early period but that which boosted splendid figure. Trot music was absolutely upheld by Korean people because it's heartstrings was tallied with particular situation of that time. As the inflow of advanced pop music of US, however, came to be at a crisis, composers tried to actively accommodate which of western rhythm fast speed and to possibly grow out from the five musical scale. Because of that, trot music developed as a very wide genre which has a various rhythm.
Until 1990s, however, a popularity of trot was threatened by rehabilitation of dance music as another policy of the cultural open, again, it came to up to people with high-end sound which could be equal to dance music. A distinctive future of this time was that trot singer had came to posses a Just like a dance singer. This time, people experienced the great change which is that the huge stage became needless when these trot singer performed. As like these, with the effort of that trying to equip with good aspect of other popular music, trot that coming up to the mass of people.
As a result of that, it is reach point that people accept it selectively. Through "A Study on Historical Transition of Korean Trot Music", I want to look for the identity of trot music which was sang by Korean people at present. And it is another effort of trot music related group who think that the historical issues and social one is closely connected with trot music. Trot music which has repeatedly experienced the change and development with differentiation and integration over again, it has the style combination like other art genre. We need to grasp the essence of our own culture through understand trot music as a part of Korean music. This study is a one of these endeavor.


트로트음악을 음계와 리듬만을 기준으로 분석한다면, 일본과 서양의 대중음악 양식이 혼합된 퓨전장르라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 오랜 세월동안 대중이 수용한 트로트음악에는 음계와 리듬 외에, 꾸밈음이 부각되는 입체적 창법, 그리고 대중과 밀착된 내용의 단순 명료한 가사의 어법, 다시 말해서 한국적 정서가 내재되어 있다.
이러한 역사의 부침 속에서 태어난 트로트음악은 시대의 발전에 따라 회생의 몸부림을 치게 된다. 많은 사람들의 어두운 사랑을 한 몸에 받았으며 군부독재의 탄압 또한 피하지 못하게 된다. 그리고 70~80년대 청바지 문화와 함께 들이닥친 통기타 음악에 의해 위기를 맞이하고 90년대 전자 사운드로 무장한 댄스음악에 의해 또 한 번의 위기를 맞는다. 하지만 특유의 자생력에 힘입어 트로트음악의 그 특유의 질감을 유지한 채 외적인 면모를 탈바꿈하는 유연성을 보이며 대중문화의 한 부분으로 거듭나게 된다.
이처럼 트로트음악은 우리나라 사람들에 의해서 만들어지고 불리어졌다. 그리고 대중의 취향을 의식하며 끊임없이 변화와 발전을 해왔기 때문에 수용자가 거부감 없이 받아들일 수 있었다. 이것은 트로트음악의 자생력이며 대중적 음악장르로서 자리할 수 있는 가장 큰 이유라 생각된다.


 Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 트로트음악의 개념과 범주
 Ⅲ. 일본을 통한 트로트음악의 수용
  1. 자생적 트로트음악의 형성
 Ⅳ. 나가며


  • 양우석 Yang, Woo-Seok


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