

Personal Verification using Fingerprint Texture Feature



Fingerprint is a reliable biometric which is used for personal verification. Current fingerprint verification techniques can be broadly classified as Minutiae-based, ridge feature-based, correlation-based and gradient-based. In this paper, we propose use of the statistical texture analysis of a fingerprint using spatial grey level dependence method (SGLDM) for discrimination and personal verification. This method extracts texture features by an algorithm based on the spatial grey level dependence method. The fingerprint images were chosen from DB1 and DB2 fingerprint databases of FVC 2002. Results show that fingerprint texture feature can be reasonably used for discrimination and for personal verification.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Texture Feature Extraction Using SGLDM
 4. Implementation and Results
 5. Comparison
 6. Discussion
 7. Conclusion


  • Zahoor Ahmad Jhat Department of Electronics, Islamia College of Science and commerce, Srinagar, J&K
  • Ajaz Hussain Mir Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hazratbal, Srinagar, J&K (India)
  • Seemin Rubab Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Hazratbal, Srinagar, J&K (India)


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