

Analysis and Performance of a Low Cost SMS Based Home Security System




The performance of the sensors of a low cost Short Message System (SMS) based home security system equipped with motion sensor, smoke detector, temperature sensor, humidity sensor and light sensors has been studied. The sensors are controlled by a microprocessor PIC 18F4520 through the SMS having password. The operation of the home security has been tested on Vodafone- Fiji network for emergency and feedback responses for 25 samples. The GSM experiment showed that it takes about 8-10s for the security system to respond the occupant and relevant civil authorities in case of emergency. It takes about 18-22s for the occupant to switch and monitor lights and appliances and then get feedback from home depending upon the network traffic.


 1. Introduction
 2. Design of the System
 3. Working Principle and Performance of Sensors
  3.1 Passive Infrared Sensor
  3.2 SHT75 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  3.3 Light Dependent Resistor
  3.4 Chubb Smoke Detector
 4. Operation of the Intelligent Home
 5. GSM Network Experiment
 6. Summary and Recommendation


  • Sheikh Izzal Azid School of Engineering and Physics The University of the South Pacific
  • Sushil Kumar School of Engineering and Physics The University of the South Pacific


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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