

Maintainability Analysis of Component Based Systems



Component based systems are increasingly being used nowadays and this has drastically changed how we build and maintain systems. When the components are incorporated into a system, maintenance becomes much harder because source code is either partially or completely invisible. Various quality models have been proposed in context to the software, which may not fulfill the requirements of component based software. Hence in this paper we have identified the maintainability quality factors for the component based software considering the existing quality models, i.e. McCall quality model, Boehm quality model and ISO 9126 model. New sub characteristics on the basis of component based systems like trackability, tailorability, scalability and reusability have been included. Also the evaluation of the maintenance parameter is done by the survey method. The result computed help in identifying the maintenance quality factor based on ISO rating levels.


 1. Introduction
 2. Comparative Analysis of Maintainability Aspect of Quality Models
  2.1. Testability
  2.2. Understandability
  2.3. Modifiability
  2.4. Stability
  2.5. Analyzability
  2.6. Changeability
  2.7. Conciseness
  2.8. Self-Descriptiveness
  2.9. Modularity
  2.10. Compliance
  2.11. Simplicity
 3. Proposed Sub Characteristics for Maintainability Attribute of Component Based Software
  3.1. Reusability
  3.2. Tailorability
  3.3. Trackability
 4. Analysis of the Proposed Attributes
 5. Conclusion


  • Vidushi Sharma School of ICT, Gautam Buddha University, Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida
  • Prachi Baliyan School of ICT, Gautam Buddha University, Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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