

E-Collaboration for Maritime Operations using Business Process Modeling



One of the highly globalized fields such as Marine Industry, shipping operations are hugely dependent on e-collaboration tools that holds potential to provide quick and readily accessible information across ports, organizations and people across nations concerned with industry. Improving operational efficiency is very much dependent on business process transformation by affording better communication and collaboration between the different parties and information technology. This paper focuses on proposing an architectural methodology to overcome the frequently occurring problems in maritime sector by establishing collaboration between the service providers and potential users of the collaboration tool by identifying key processes. The methodology is developed based on empirical studies of Norwegian SW national initiative, MIS project (http :/ / www .sintef.no/Projectweb/ MIS/ )


 1. Introduction
 2. Maritime Operations
  2.1 Alignment & Marketing
  2.2 Planning
  2.3 Execution
  2.4 Completion
 3. Need for Collaboration
 4. Enterprise Integration
 5. Process Centric Approach
  5.1 Discovery
  5.2 Implementation
  5.3 Maintenance
 6. BPM- A Solution to Process Centric Approach
 7. Intersection of Processes, Tools and Users
  7.1 Process
  7.2 Software Tools / Technologies
  7.3 Users
 8. Collaboration Platform
 9. Collaboration Oriented Architecture
 10. Conclusion


  • Kishore Kosuri Department of Computer and Information science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTN U), Trondheim, Norway
  • Kay Endre Fjørtoft Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute (MARIN TEK), Trondheim, Norway


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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