Wireless Ad hoc sensor nodes are playing a vital role in wireless data transmission infrastructure. Due to its compact size and energy efficient structure these nodes can be successfully deployed in wireless Ad hoc infrastructure where these nodes can be efficiently transmit the disaster related sensed data to Sink nodes via Ad hoc relay stations. In this Research study we are going to propose a Model for the Disaster survivor detection based on extremely critical Disaster situation where this energy efficient Architecture can successfully trace and locate thousands of people in critical circumstances. The emphasis of the research focuses on earth quake based disasters. Our proposed Model can also be successfully integrated with Telemedicine based infrastructure for emergency response authorities to take necessary measures in a limited span of time.
1. Introduction
2. Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks
3. Existing Network Model
4. Proposed Enhancements in the Existing Network Model
5. Integration of Proposed Model with Telemedicine Based Systems
6. Comparison of Proposed Model with Existing Model
7. Conclusions and Future Work