

Analysis of Performance in the Virtual Machines Environment



In this paper, we propose a scheme that manages the Performance and resource of virtual machines that are used to host computing applications. As the size and complexity of modern computing systems keep increasing to meet the demanding requirements of Performance applications, manageability is becoming a important concern to achieve both performance and productivity computing. Meanwhile, virtual machine (VM) technologies have become well-liked in both industry and academia due to various features designed to ease system management and administration. While a VM-based environment can greatly help productivity on large-scale application system. In this paper, we provide an analytic framework for the performance analyzing either without running a system or in a run able real system. With these market trends toward virtual environments, many research groups are developing evaluation tools to check the performance of virtual systems and their overheads. However, the performance characterization in virtual environments has not been established yet for many challenging issues. However, achieving close to peak performance requires careful attention to a plethora of system details. The benefits of virtualization are typically considered to be server consolidation, (leading to the reduction of power and cooling costs) increased availability, isolation, ease of operating system deployment and simplified disaster recovery. One main challenge for virtualization, the need to maximize throughput with minimal loss of CPU and I/O efficiency.


 1. Introduction
 2. Virtual Machine Monitor
 3. Analytic Framework
 4. Performance Analysis
 5. Xen Architecture
 6. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Praveen G, Prof. Vijayrajan School of Computing Science and Engineering VIT University,Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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