

A New Enhancement Approach for Enhancing Image of Digital Cameras by Changing the Contrast



This article introduces a new image Enhancement approach suitable for digital cameras. High contrast images are common in the scenes with dark shadows and bright light sources. It is difficult to show the details in both dark and light areas simultaneous on most display devices. For solving this problem, there are many methods of image enhancement proposed to improve the quality of the images. However, most of them often get poor results if the images are high contrast and have wide dynamic range. This method for enhancing the high-contrast digital camera images, which enhances the global brightness and contrast of images while preserving details. It is based on a two-scale decomposition of the image into a base layer, encoding large-scale variations, and a detail layer. The base layer is obtained using an edge preserving filter that is a weighted average of the local neighborhood samples, where the weights are computed based on temporal and radiometric distances between the center sample and the neighboring samples. Only the base layer image is enhanced automatically by using histogram equalization method, thereby preserving detail. The experimental results show the proposed method provides a significant enhancement for the high-contrast images and requires no parameter setting. And also in this work processing cost reduction when the new approach is followed.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methodology
  Image Enhancement
  Histogram Equalization
  Wavelet Transform
 3. Proposed Algorithm
  Weighted Filter
  Color and Intensity Separation
  Histogram Equalization
 4. Result and Discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • Dr. Muna F. Al-Samaraie Management Information System Department Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Al-Zaytoonah University, Amman, Jordan


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