

In vitro Plant Propagation : A Review




Micropropagation is an alternative mean of propagation that can be employed in mass multiplication of plants in relatively shorter time. Recent modern techniques of propagation have been developed which could facilitate large scale production of true-to-type plants and for the improvement of the species using genetic engineering techniques in the next century. An overview on the in vitro propagation via meristem culture, regeneration via organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis is presented. The usefulness of the plants in commercial industry as well as propagation techniques, screening for various useful characteristics and the influence of different cultural conditions in the multiplication, rooting and acclimatization phases on the growth of tissue cultured plant discussed.


  Principles of tissue culture
  Micropropagation via somatic embryogenesis
  Factors affecting in vitro propagation


  • Nitish kumar 1Centre for Biotechnology, School of Earth, Biological and Environmental Science, Central University of Bihar, BIT campus, Patna 800014, Bihar, India, Discipline of Wasteland Research, Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)
  • M. P. Reddy Plant Stress Genomics Research Centre, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Discipline of Wasteland Research, Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)


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