Hu an-guo(1074∼1138) was a famous thinker and scholar in Song Dynasty. He played an important role in the field of thought as a bridge between North and South Song dynasty. His main work, Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals was completed in the crucial period: the fall of North Song and the birth of South Song. The Spring and Autumn Annals, which was compiled by Confucius, is the most influenced 'bible' included as one of the Five Classics of Confucianism. It traditionally has been regarded as a historical text to be arranged on annalistic principles. but the text is terse and its contents limited, a number of commentaries were composed to explain and expand on its meanings. Hu's intention of interpretation and commentary was to maintain that Song Dynasty should recover the lost territory and fight back against the invader, Jin dynasty. In the meaning of context, He had used a lot of metaphor to express his political argument and to persuade his emperor not to surrender to Jin. Hu's Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals had been approved by Yuan and Ming dynasty as a standard interpretation in the civil service examinations with Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals: The Commentary of Gongyang (公羊傳), Guliang (榖梁傳), Zuo (左氏傳). Chosun Dynasty, established by the political system of Confucianism, also had respected Hu an-guo's achievement, and set up the shrine named by "Yong Baek(龍柏)" in 1666. It had been kept the sprit tablets of three persons, included Zhu-ge liang, Hu an-guo, Yoon Gye in the shrine, located in the province of Nam-yang. This paper is to tried to research the introduction and influence of Hu's Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals in Chosun Dynasty.
Ⅰ. 『胡氏春秋傳』의 저술목적과 방법적 특징
Ⅱ. 『胡氏春秋傳』의 전래와 朝鮮의 평가
Ⅲ. 龍柏祠의 건립취지와 유래