Multi-culturalism is the idea confronted to integration policies of the nation-state based on the assimilation claiming one culture, language, and nation. This is a public declaration presupposing the establishment of a national management model on cultural diversity. In only cultural diversity, human rights and freedoms of the individual and collective can increase, creative energy can display, and confirming and continuing philosophy and public norms can be led to truly social integration. Multi-culturalism can be deployed as very flexible and broad interpretation in terms of terms containing a variety of responses on the multi-cultural situations. For these reasons, the research on multi-culturalism becomes often a prerequisite theoretical acceptance the results of a case in most foreign countries. And based on this, because multi-cultural studies in Korea society are making progress, theoretical research has gone into a full-fledged orbit than in the past. In reality, of course, the quest for multi-cultural education and multi-cultural society is still low, however also, it will be carried out intensive research in academia. Underlying this view, by more intensify a variety of cultural characteristics the Korea society today embracing, it is because the judge they will proceed the process investigate and enunciate causes in the history of Korea. Overall, tendencies on Korea's multi-culturalism or multi-cultural research are firstly based on a theoretical framework centering the first overseas cases, and second, specific research on historical review or investigation are trifle, but continue, and products of research accumulated in terms of language education, literature, social welfare are the most prominent. Research and practical steps on related to multi-culturalism in current Korea society has been emphasized as social welfare aspects backed up in the reality. Because of this reason, multi-cultural society of Korea might be progressed without a solid theoretical foundation. From ancient times to the present day, because of the reason, because it is first works lightening and enunciating a variety of cultural layers accepted and applied in Korea society that you can see the work first, how to solve issues of power such as gender, class, surrounding, and group and obscured under a single national identity? It is urgent challenge needed in the liberalization and globalization era.
Ⅰ. ‘다문화’의 諸개념과 한국의 연구 현황
Ⅱ. 한국의 다문화 연구와 향후 과제