

한국 화교사회의 정치적 조직과 역동성 - 인천 차이나타운을 중심으로


Political Organizations and Dynamics of Overseas Chinese Society in Korea : Focusing on Incheon Chinatown


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper focuses on the process of conflict and periodic change of political organizations on overseas Chinese society in Korea. Based on fieldwork this article analyzes how public political processes and personal relationships overseas Chinese in Incheon interact and face various tensions by focusing on political and economical organizations. Through this research I will illuminate how traditional socal capitals of Chinese like guanxi are transformed to political capitals and the significance of the changes that are taking place in overseas Chinese society in conjunction with the appearance of Western rationality. The important socio-political principles operating in overseas Chinese society in Incheon are guanxi(關係), renqing(人情), mianzi (面子), and bao(報). The banquet(qingke, 請客) is the place and space where these principles are comprehensively practiced. Therefore the ownership of such social capitals is an important virtue of a leader and the leadership is measured by how well he or she converts social capitals to political capitals. Nevertheless these socio-political principles of overseas Chinese society are negotiated and rearranged as the need for economic rationality and community service arose after the normalization between south Korea and China in 1992.


한국 화교사회의 정치적 조직과 역동성
  들어가는 말
  Ⅰ. 인천화교협회의 역사적 변천과정
  Ⅱ. 한중수교 이후 화교사회의 정치적 변화
  나오는 말


  • 이창호 Lee, Chang-ho. 한국학중앙연구원 문화와종교연구소 학술연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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