

20세기 초 중국의 反基督敎에 대한 소통과 치유 - 뱅상 레브(Vincent Lebbe) 신부를 중심으로 -


Communication and Healing on Anti-Christianity in Early 20th Century China - With Reference to Catholic Priest Vincent Lebbe -

20세기 초 중국의 반기독교에 대한 소통과 치유 - 뱅상 레브(Vincent Lebbe) 신부를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since 19th century, the reasons why there was anti-Christian movement in China were that Catholic church in China was subordinate to the French church, not under direct control of the Vatican, and also Catholic missionaries imperialistic attitude. Although there was possible discord in the Chinese society keeping Confucian idea, which led to anti-Christian movement, it is not deniable that imperialistic attitude of missionaries was apparently responsible for it. Accordingly, this kind of internal reflection must take precedence to overcome blind chauvinism, anti-Christianity and even anti-religion sentiment of China. The internal reflection began to appear in the Catholic church after a hugh national and social sacrifice by the Boxer Rebellion in the early 20th century, but before this incident, there was a handful Catholics who intended to cure anti-Christianity sentiment and social harmful effect. In particular, absolute majority Catholic missionaries in China didn't think about it. But, some western missionaries criticized Catholic's imperialistic attitude: Vincent Lebbe in Nazarus orders from Belgium was typical. Lebbe criticized imperialistic attitude of Catholic church in China trying to reform the Church in China. He requested the Vatican to appoint Chinese bishop for independency of Chinese church, and also to establish Catholic university in China for higher education. He not only asked for change of Catholic church in China, but also endeavored to harmonize himself with the Chinese and the society. He showed a social improvement of China as well as matters of Catholic church through newspapers and magazines. He volunteered to Chinese troop during the anti-Japanese war to cure the injured soldiers. He attempted to communicate with China ceaselessly not only as a religious person, but also as a Chinese. He communicated with Chinese people not as Vincent Lebbe but as Lei Ming Yuan(雷鳴遠) playing an important role in curing anti-Christianity in China.


20세기 초 중국의 反基督敎에 대한 소통과 치유
  Ⅰ. ‘他者’로서의 기독교
  Ⅱ. 뱅상 레브 신부의 치유적 활동


  • 최병욱 Choi, Byung-wook. 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 HK연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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