

조선후기 동궐 궐내각사 배치 체제의 변동 -『 어제궁궐지』및『궁궐지』의분석을중심으로-


The change of placement system of Government Offices within East Palace in the late Joseon Dynasty - Centering around analysis of『 King made Gunggueolji』and『 Gunggueolji』-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A palace is the core of operating system of state affairs and the highest government Office, as a residence of the king and an activity space of him. Government Offices within Palace(Gueolnaegaksa 闕內各司) was made for the purpose of the officials' who aid the King and defense the palace and manage the facilities working in it. 『King made Gunggueolji(御製宮闕志)』is the basic reference which helps us to understand about the palace of Joseon Dynasty and it's Gueolnaegaksa. It is written about the middle of the reign of Sukjong from late 17th century to early 18th century. And then, there is a 『Gunggueolji(宮闕志)』which is written newly about beginning of the reign of Heonjong in the mid 1830’s. The two Gunggueolji describe that a set of Government Offices are placed at the Changdeok Palace(昌德宮) and another set are placed at the Changgyeong Palace(昌慶宮). But it is necessary to examine thoroughly about that late Joseon Dynasty looks like. When King Gwanghae reconstructs the Changdeok Palace and the Changgyeong Palace, constructed the Gueolnaegaksa within both of them after Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592(壬辰倭亂). It caused respective placement(個別配置) of Gueolnaegaksa within the Changdeok Palace and the Changgyeong Palace. King Injo has stayed in the Changgyeong Palace for a long time. Taking this opportunity, it has kept the Gueolnaegaksa within the Changgyeong Palace actually. King Hyojong and King Hyeonjong mostly live in the Changdeok Palace, but because Gueolnaegaksa within the Changgyeong Palace was not removed, the situation has been maintained. In late mid-Joseon dynasty, the respective placement system which is Gueolnaegaksa are placed duplicately in the East Palace(東闕)—the Changdeok palace and the Changgyeong Palace—has been formed and kept. The respective placement system was changed into the unified placement(統合配置) system in the 15th year of King Sukjong's reign. The kings in the time of mid-Joseon dynasty have made a move and residence between the Changdeok Palace and the Changgyeong Palace. But they didn't use it concurrently. In comparison, as King Sukjong cross the both of them, he often put it to use concurrently. In this situation, Gueolnaegaksa within the Changgyeong Palace lost the function and went away. Gueolnaegaksa within the Changdeok Palace that was focused on state affairs was used only. The change of Gueolnaegaksa placement system within the East Palace from respective placement to unified placement means the East Palace operating system was changed. That is not a unit utilization but total utilization. For this reason it widened the width of the palace management and made higher density of it. This is caused by cross-societal changes especially new political condition, which is called HwanGuk(換局). It is analyzed that strengthen royal authority widen the width of the palace utilization.


I. 머리말
 II.『궁궐지』의 편찬
  1. 현전『궁궐지』유형
  2. 숙종대『어제 궁궐지』편찬
  3. 헌종대『궁궐지』증보
 III. 『궁궐지』의 궐내각사 구성과 배치
  1. 궐내각사 구성과 소관 업무
  2. 궐내각사 청사의 배치
 IV. 동궐 궐내각사 배치의 변동
  1. 조선중기 개별 배치
  2. 조선후기 통합 배치
 V. 맺음말


  • 홍순민 Hong, Soon-Min. 명지대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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