




Suitable Examples on the Thought of Cofucian Study which were given by Sayaka



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When the Chosen kingdom in the chosen peninsula was invaded by the Japanese army, Sayaka was commissioned as a commander(leader, general) with the initial brigades dispatched. His rank was called Samurai commander of the feudal lord’s knight. Daimyo, Kiyomasa Kato on April in 1592, was under order to attack by the tyrant’s, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, forces landing at Pusan. Before long, the joint forces of Mynn (chinese) and Chosen troops forced the surrender of Sayaka’s force of 3000 samurai.
Subsequant to his surrender, Sayaka presented his “Gyoyu-sho” or surrending rational, to the residents of Chosen. Sayaka also accepted the joint forces “Kowa-sho”, or terms of surrender. The outcome of the surrender meant that the Confucian governmental system would be introduced and naturalized on the pennisula. Two or three years later Sayaka learning more of Confucian governance, capitulated its effecteness. As “Kanwa- sho” or commander of converted foreign troops and deemed it Utopian. Sayaka fought in Uyryon and Urusan. He trained his troops in the production and utilization of guns and gunpowder. This preparation was instrumental to the success of later Mynn and Chosen campaigns. Following this guarding of the border was performed by Sayaka for ten years, “Kassi-no-hen” (=rise in volt of “Ri-caru”), “Pyon-ja- no-hen”(=Rise in volt of Kozoku ) which were come to a crises in a country were faught to put down by Sayaka. Therefore he was praised as “Sankou –�no –shin “ (=the retainer distinguished himself in the three battles) For his successes he was awarded the titles of, ”Kim-Tyun-sun” and “Seiken-tai-fu”(=a high court rank) from the court of Chosen Dynasty.
Since Sayaka studied of Confucianism at “The Pen-nokton shoin”(=the private school of Confucianism) under the guidance of its president and scholars, “U-Son-han”. Many of his Confucian writings and poems survive his death. They were edited as “The Mohadan Bunshu”(=Anthology) by ‘Kim Kanso’ who was Sayaka’s sixth generation direct descendant. Later they were printed in 1798, revised by Ri –Kasun(Confucian scholar) in 1842.
In this paper the Confucian decoration by the editor and the reviser can be credibly, so Sayaka’s Confucion refections may be approximately reconstituded and examined.


壬辰倭亂당시 사야가(沙也可)는 1592년 4월 도요토미 히데요시(豊臣秀吉)의 명령 하에 히고노쿠니(肥後國)의 태수였던 가토 기요마사(加藤淸正)군 휘하의 선봉장으로 부산에 상륙하였다. 얼마 후에 사야가는 삼천 명의 부하를 이끌고 조선군․명나라군의 진영으로 투항하였다. 항왜(降倭)를 할 때 그는 「曉諭書」를 조선 백성들에게 계시하였고, 明朝軍측에는 「講和書」을 제출하여 “중하(中夏)의 나라의 풍물을 동경하여 귀화를 원한다”고 하여 스스로 사야가라고 칭하며 항복하였다. 그는 일본 출국 이전부터 유학에 대한 소양이 있었으며 유교풍의 나라(儒敎風之國)를 이상향으로 여겨 투항한 것으로 생각된다. 그는 항왜장으로 의령, 울산 전투에서 싸웠으며, 더불어 조총(鐵砲)․화약의 제조 방법(製法)과 사용 방법(操法)을 전수하여 明朝兩軍의 전투를 우위로 끝나게 한 공적을 올렸다. 그 후에도 10년간의 만주국경 警衛, 갑자 이괄의 난(甲子之亂), 병자호란(丙子之亂) 등 국가적 위기의 전투에서 활약하여 ‘삼란공신(三亂功臣)’으로 추앙 받는다. 이러한 과정에서 조정으로부터 金忠善이란 성씨와와 正憲大夫의 직위를 받게 되었다. 그 후 사야가는 인근에 있는 白鹿洞書院의 禹成范座主一門아래에서 유학을 공부하여 많은 유학적인 서간문과 시문을 남겼다. 이러한 것은 사야가의 6대손 金漢祚에 의해  慕夏堂文集으로 편집․간행되었다. 이것은 그후 1842년에 다시 李家淳에 의해 개정되었다. 본고에서는 이들 편집자, 개정자의 유학적 문장을 사야가의 유학용례로부터 제거하고 남은 용례에서 사야가의 유학적 사색을 파악하고자 시도한 것이다.


 II. 慕夏堂文集と編者及び改定者の儒学用例
  1. 慕夏堂文集成立のいきさつ
  2. 金漢祚の儒学用例
  3. 李家淳の儒学的用例
  4. 沙也可書簡文中における、金漢祚、李家淳の代表的儒学用例の検討
 III. 沙也可の儒学的用例とその思想
  1. 金漢祚・李家淳の用例と類似する用例を除去した沙也可の儒学的用例
  2. 沙也可の儒学用例の検討
  3. 沙也可の儒学的用例の確認
 IV. 結論


  • 藤原隆夫 Takao Fujiwara


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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