

The Comparative to Environmental Culture Styles and Urban Environment of Korea, China and Japan in the Far East


Chi-sang Ok

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Three countries in the Far East are Korea(south and north), China and Japan. These three countries are very important for world's peace because of the core of the world geo-politically. Also these three countries have peculiar culture characteristics, respectively. So this paper discussed some of these three countries’ major characteristics in view of urban environment and environmental culture. Today's south Korean people have also open and dynamics-mind like characteristics of peninsular countries. Specially, south Korean people like middle space, desire for large space and seem to avoid small space. But Korean people are pure in heart. So Korean people seek for harmony, primary colour, and seek beautiful, original, soft, amusing culture. they is making enough noise to awaken the dead and quiet suddenly. China was opened late a door to western world from a communist country. Today’s Chinese people have also close and developmentalmind like characteristics of continental countries. Specially, Chinese people seek for large space, red colour, dragon image.
So chinese people like heavy, thick, long, large culture like characteristics of continental country. And They have away greedy, do not angry, without haste. they stretch the blanket. Japan was opened early a door to western world and has been developed. Today’s Japanese people have also survival and double mind like characteristics of ocean countries.
Specially, Japanese people seek for small space, artificial, simple and light colour, interesting tastes. So they like light, thin, short, small like characteristics of ocean countries. They are strong for complete accord, being unemotional, collective consciousness, not expose a public display of their feelings. They are quiet as a mouse. Also There are waves in three country. Korean people have cultural wave with smells, ego, collectivity, and the strength of wildflowers. Korean people are going to make a friend nature as it is than to exploit nature. So Korea cultures kept up unexaggerated nature, just as it is. Chinese people release very interesting waves. The colors of waves have become tinted. These are caused the country had started to accept the market economy and have been enjoying economic prosperity at the cost of losing some of their cultures and traditions. Chinese people are going to change and making vastly. So Chinese cultures made of gigantic (exaggerated) natures artificially. Japanese people release compact and well organized, with limited movement.
Japanese people are going to make in the small artificially. So Japanese cultures made of small nature, artificially. So because future trends are coaching, total, globalization, green and anti-aging, we must prepare and analyze about future's environmental culture. First of all, three countries in the Far East must be stabilize, then so does the world. Specially Korea must be stabilize, then the world will be stabilized.


 I. Introduction
 II. Characteristics of Three Countries
 III. Environmental Culture Styles
 IV. Realities of Today's Urban Environment
 V. Conclusion


  • Chi-sang Ok Professor, Division of Health and Environment, Kosin University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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