

Personal Pronouns and Reflexives in Korean Sign Language


Se-Eun Jhang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to examine the pronominal system and reflexives in Korean Sign Language (KSL). In order to do this, I first take a close look at KSL word order. Second, I investigate whether the KSL pronominal system employs number, person, and gender, comparing their use with that of spoken languages and other sign languages. Third, I examine KSL reflexives, comparing their use with that of spoken languages and other sign languages. Although there are several different reflexive forms, I mainly consider two kinds of reflexives: an adverbial reflexive pronoun ‘self’ derived from an independent word as an adverb, and a nominal reflexive pronoun ‘self’ derived from a complex verb phrase consisting of an active verb and a backward verb. I also examine whether KSL reflexives are subject to locality by presenting the syntactic structure of complex clauses in KSL. Finally, I will give a brief summary of this paper in conclusion


 1. Introduction
 2. KSL word order
 3. Personal pronouns
  3.1. Multiple-valued number category in spoken and sign languages
  3.2. Person in KSL
  3.3. Case and gender
 4. Reflexives
  4. 1. Reflexive forms in spoken languages
  4.2. Reflexive forms in signed languages
 5. Conclusion and summary


  • Se-Eun Jhang Korea Maritime University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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