

영한 번역에 나타난 지시표현의 변경에 관한 언어유형론 및 문화심리학적 연구


A Typological and Cultural- Psychological Approach to Korean Translations of English Referential Expressions

정연창, 김은일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study tries to provide typological and cultural-psychological explanations for the changes of referential expressions in English-Korean translations. The number of pronoun, name and full NP is strikingly different in the English text and Korean translation text: 190/5 pronouns, 88/156 names and 34/151 full NP's in the English/Korean texts. These statistical differences can be accounted for in the following way: i) a pronoun is used to refer to a continuous participant in English while a name is repeatedly employed in Korean; ii) a full NP showing roles (e.g. family relations such as father and son as well as occupations) in the social organism is preferred, regardless of the topicality of participants in Korean; and iii) a pronoun cannot be used to refer to animals in Korean so that a full NP is chosen instead


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 담화 vs. 의미
  2.2. 유생성
  2.3. 셔 양과 풍양의 문화심리학적 특성
 3. 지시표현의 변경 유형 및 설명
  3.1. 지시표현의 변경 유형 및 빈도
  3.2. 영어의 형태별 한국어 번역유형
  3.3. 한국어 벤역 지시표현 형태별 재정리
 4. 결론


  • 정연창 Yeonchang Jung. 부산대 • 부경대
  • 김은일 Eun-il Kim. 부산대 • 부경대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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