

Poster Presentation : Cryopreservation / Sperm

Effect of Thawing Temperatures on Post-thawed Sperm Motility of Cryopreserved Boar Semen


  • K. M. So National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
  • I. C. Kim National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
  • K. H. Chung Jinju National University
  • J. H. Son Noah Bio Tech Inc.
  • O. S. Kwon National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
  • M. J. Kim National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
  • K. H. Cho National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
  • D. W. Kim National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
  • S. J. Sa National Institute of Animal Science, RDA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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