

포스터 발표 초록

Generation of Putative Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines from the Parthenogenetic Bovine Embryos in Hanwoo Cattle


  • Daehwan Kim Cellular Reprogramming and Embryo Biotechnology Lab, Dental Research Institute and CLS21 , Seoul National University School of Dentistry
  • SangKyu Park Cellular Reprogramming and Embryo Biotechnology Lab, Dental Research Institute and CLS21 , Seoul National University School of Dentistry
  • Se-Woong Kim Cellular Reprogramming and Embryo Biotechnology Lab, Dental Research Institute and CLS21 , Seoul National University School of Dentistry
  • Sangho Roh Cellular Reprogramming and Embryo Biotechnology Lab, Dental Research Institute and CLS21 , Seoul National University School of Dentistry


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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