

Poster Presentation

Age-related changes in Usp9x and Af-6 gene expression and its protein pattern in Hanwoo testis


  • H. J. Chung Hanwoo Experimental Station, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • Y. H. Jung Hanwoo Experimental Station, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • H. C. Kim Hanwoo Experimental Station, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • Y. H. Choi Hanwoo Experimental Station, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • Y. M. Chou Hanwoo Experimental Station, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • S. S. Hwang Department of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • M. S. Choi Department of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • J. H. Han Department of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • I. S. Hwang Department of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • Jin ki Park Department of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.
  • M. S. Lee Hanwoo Experimental Station, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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