

포스터 발표 초록

Involvement of a MAPK Pathway in the Control of Cortical Granule Reaction and Mitosis during Bovine Fertilization


  • Jin Cheol Tae Mirae Biotech, Cheju National University Stem Cell Research Center, Chungbuk National University
  • Eun Young Kim Mirae Biotech, Cheju National University Stem Cell Research Center
  • Kilsoo Jeon Mirae Biotech, Cheju National University Stem Cell Research Center
  • Keum Sil Lee Mirae Biotech, Cheju National University Stem Cell Research Center
  • Chang Hyun Lee Mirae Biotech, Cheju National University Stem Cell Research Center
  • Yeon Ok Kim Mirae Biotech, Cheju National University Stem Cell Research Center
  • Nam Hyung Kim Chungbuk National University
  • Se Pil1 Park Mirae Biotech, Cheju National University Stem Cell Research Center


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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