

포스터 발표 초록

Quality Analysis of Buffalo Blastocysts Derived from Oocytes Vitrified Before or After Enuc1eation, and Reconstruded with Somatic Cell Nuc1ei


  • Suchitra Muenthaisong Major of Diary Science, Division of Applied Life Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Embryo Technology and Stem Cell Research Center, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Chuti Laowtammathron Embryo Technology and Stem Cell Research Center, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Mariena Ketudat-Cairns Embryo Technology and Stem Cell Research Center, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Rangsun Parnpai Embryo Technology and Stem Cell Research Center, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Shinichi Hochi Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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