

Poster Presentation

Effect of Etoposide-Induced JNK Activation upon the Anti-Apoptotic Action of Bcl-xL


  • Jihyun ParK National Creative Research lnitiative Center for Cell Death, Graduate School of Biotechnology, Korea University
  • Tae-Won Choi Department of Animal Biotechnology, Konkuk University
  • Bong-Woo Kim Department of Animal Biotechnology, Konkuk University
  • Jung-Hyun Kim Department of Animal Biotechnology, Konkuk University
  • Young Jun Oh Department of Biology, College of Science, Yonsei University
  • Eui-Ju Choi National Creative Research lnitiative Center for Cell Death, Graduate School of Biotechnology, Korea University, Department of Animal Biotechnology, Konkuk University
  • Ssang-Goo Cho Department of Animal Biotechnology, Konkuk University, Department of Animal Biotechnology, Konkuk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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