

Poster Presentation

Effects of Estrogen on Neuronal Trans-Differentiation of CD34 Negative Human Umbillical Cord Blood Cells in the Ischemic Ovariectomized Rat Brain


  • Jee Yun Kim School of Biotechnology & Biomedical Science, lnje University
  • Ju Ran Kim School of Biotechnology & Biomedical Science, lnje University
  • Seong Jin Yu School of Biotechnology & Biomedical Science, lnje University
  • Ji Hye Kang School of Biotechnology & Biomedical Science, lnje University
  • Hee Gyoung Kang School of Biotechnology & Biomedical Science, lnje University
  • Chae Kwan Lee Institute of lndustrial Medicine, lnje University Busan 614-735, Korea
  • Sung Goo Kang School of Biotechnology & Biomedical Science, lnje University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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