



An exploration of the “sex‐ed bashing” incident at A junior high school in B City, Osaka Prefecture


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Following the attack on sex education at the Tokyo Metropolitan Nanao Physically Handicapped and Mentally Retarded School, and repeated slanderous attacks on sex education and those who teach it from the Diet and the rest of the country, it has been increasingly difficult to organize sex education efforts in schools. During the time when “sex‐ed bashing” was the most intense, the sexual education program in A junior high school in B city, Osaka became a target. However, the specific nature and content of the attack, the intent of the attackers, and what ultimately resulted from the attack have not been made public. The purpose of this study is to examine the “sex‐ed bashing” case at A junior high school in B City, Osaka Prefecture to explore how it fits amid the overall context of the “Gender backlash.” In order to accomplish this I first conducted individual interviews and analyzed them to create a record of the event. In this study, based on the results of interviews and related materials, I explore the development of the event and the reaction to “sex‐ed bashing” from the City Board of Education administration, teachers, union officials, parents and guardians, and students and how this relates to the gender backlash. My analysis clarifies the events surrounding this “sex‐ed bashing” incident and the intent and motivation hidden behind the backlash discourse.




  2.1 N先生が攻撃のターゲットになった理由
  2.2 A市立B中学校「性教育バッシング」の経過
  3.1 外部団体の人物からの攻撃、校長の反応
  3.2 職員会議での反応と組合の反応
  3.3 市教育委員会の反応
  3.4 保護者と生徒たちの反応
  4.1 N先生が述べる「性教育の必要性と重要性」
  4.2 性教育の内容と方法論としての道具使用


  • 石楿 석향. 立命館大学 客員研究員、国際交流基金フェロー(博士論文執筆者)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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