

농촌지역 마을의 개발수요에 관한 연구 - 농촌마을종합개발사업 예비계획서 분석을 통해 -


A Study on the Demand of Development in the Villages of Rural Areas - Focused on the Analysis of Preliminary Plans about Rural Community Development Project -

조원석, 유영모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper was able to indicate to the results the following thing that attempted a required potential development demand, through the contents and cost analysis in Rural Community Development Project. Nowadays, Rural Areas comparatively have a lot of development demands related to improvements environmental of residence life and construction of Urban-Rural Exchange Facility, on the other and, there is comparatively a few facilities demands regarding agriculture production. Demand is cold storage facilities and agricultural products direct sale facilities expansion to be able to raise value added of agricultural products as facilities related comparatively a little agriculture production, and an improvement of residence life comparatively has a lot of repair environmental uninhabited house repair, river-front and the roadside, rest shelter creation demands. However, that should be forecasted so that aging of rural, population decrease and development demand is caused by a lot of issues such as maintenances operation of many Urban-Rural Exchange Facilities and a similar program and content has a lot of them in bilateral adjacent zones. Therefore, in the future plan shall attempt efficiency operating facilities and a program through characterization and network of zone so that facilities and program can have complementary relation in the adjacent zones. And item development and an investor are necessary regarding new labor force supply for continuous value maintenance of space and returning to the farm that there were the reverse agriculture production and Amenity which are an rural village. Furthermore, developmental plan of rural village is necessary through the demand analyses that a citizen wishing for things.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구범위 및 방법 등
 2.권역별 사업내용 및 사업비 구성
  2.1 Bo권역
  2.2 Ta권역
  2.3 Le권역
  2.4 En권역
  2.5 Do권역
  2.6 Ch권역
  2.7 Ku권역
  2.8 Ka권역
  2.9 Ba권역
  2.10 Bs권역
 3. 농촌지역 마을개발 수요분석
  3.1 농업생산관련
  3.2 도농교류지원
  3.3 도시민귀향 및 거주지생활환경개선사업
 4. 결론 및 제언


  • 조원석 Cho, won-seok. 정회원, 관동대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사
  • 유영모 Yoo, Young-Mo. 정회원, 관동대학교대학원 건축학공학과 박사과정, 공학석사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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