

Performance and Crisis Management System

Society Rebuilding and Social Innovation in the Response to Wenchuan Earthquake



Natural disaster management is one of the important contents of public emergency management system of Chinese government. The whole society must be involved in the process to response the natural disaster efficiently, effectively, and economically. This paper employs the stakeholder theory, and divides the stakeholders in natural disasters into primary stakeholder and secondary stakeholder. Taking the Wenchuan Earthquake for example, the primary stakeholders in natural disaster management in China are classified into central government, local government, army and armed police, NGO, community, private sector, victims, media, and environment, and the roles of them are discussed. This paper also gives political suggestions on study of strengthening the stakeholders system, focusing the primary stakeholder, and expanding the spectrum of stakeholders.


 Theoretical Background
  Natural Disasters
  Attributions of Stakeholder
  Classification of Stakeholders
  Primary Stakeholders in China’s Natural Disaster Management
  Wenchuan Earthquake—A Case Study
 Conclusions and Suggestions


  • En Fang Qiang Professor. Tianjin Normal University. China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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