

Terrorism and Fire Service Policy

A Study on the Definition of Terrorism : Focused on Legislative Comparison of Some Nation



The purpose of this study is to contribute much to devising anti terrorism bill in the future by looking into each nation's legal system on terrorism. Because the Republic of Korea has legislative limit on regulating terrorists effectively. This study could abstract as follows.
First, It is required to introduce bills to strengthen the legal provisions relating to the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of terrorist acts. Second, there should be an analysis on the causes of terrorism and also it is necessary to find out what makes terrorists expand their activities. Third, more concrete and precise types of terrorism must put in the regulation to respond to the changing of the technology and an information-oriented society. Fourth, there should be a separate bill toughening penalty on eco-terrorism and it is appropriate to include it in the anti terrorism bill.


 I. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Each Nation's Definition of Terrorism
  1. USA
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Germany
  4. France
  5. Japan
  6. Republic of Korea
 III. Nation's Legislative Terrorism Concept
  1. Legal Ground
  2. The Purpose of Terrorism
  3. Types of Terrorism
  4. Penalty Provision
 Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • Jeong Hoon Kwon Professor. KyungDong College of Techno-Information. Korea
  • Dae Woo Park Researcher. Chungbuk National University National Crisis & Emergency Management. Korea


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