

Process Optimization and New Issues

The Ethical and Legal Issues of Live Organ Transplantation in Korea



Clinical organ transplantation has been recognized as one of the most gripping medical advances of the century as it provides a way of giving the gift of life to patients with terminal failure of vital organs, which requires the participation of other fellow human beings and of society by donation of organs from deceased or living individuals.
Live organ transplantation have the advantage of being able to avoid the issues surrounding the proclamation of cerebral death as well as the fact that it has a higher rate of survival compared to transplants from a dead donor.
However, the situation is that there are far more patients who wish to have transplants than those who provide organs. When looking at the general trend of many nations, there is the tendency to rely on live organ transplants. However, A question of the morality of its actions in live organ transplantation and there is the also the issue of how to protect the donors safety and health.
Taking this the discussion, this paper attempts to look closely into the discussions about
live organ transplants and the autonomous decisions of patients. The background and present situation of live organ transplants, the autonomous decisions by the donors from a civil law perspective are discussed.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. The situation of organtran splantation in Korea
  1. The increase of organ donation
  2. The increase of waiting people who want
  3. Organ transplantation from a live person
  4. Organ transplantation from a brain-dead people
 Ⅲ. Ethical Examination of Live Organ Transplantation
  1. Benefits and Harms
  2. The Right of Persons to Become Donors (Veatch, 2000)
  3. Conclusion
 Ⅳ. Legal Examination of Organ Transplantation in Korea
  1. Composition of law about organ transplantation
  2. The main contents of law about organ transplantation
 Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Sang Hoe Choi A Post-Doc at BK21 of Chungbuk National University. Korea


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