

2nd Section : Cost-Benefit Analysis and Damage Assessment

Damage Assessment in Natural Disaster: Compare Korea with America



The purpose of this paper is to know the important of Damage Assessment in the natural disasters, how to assess the damage. So I compare Korea Assessment methods and America's. When a natural disaster occurs, there are to be occurred lots of disaster victims and they request Government for many kinds of helps, and than Government Officers have to assess the damages which are reported by the victims. In these cases, there are many different type of damage assessment in many countries. In this paper, let me know how to assess damages in natural disaster between Korea and America, so I would like to compare Korea and America in parts of the damage assessment.


 I. Damage Assessment of Korea in Natural Disaster
  1. Process of the Damage Report and the Recovery Plan in natural disaster
  2. Damage Assessment
 II. Damage Assessment of America in Natural Disaster
  1. Providing Federal Disaster Assistance
  2. Preliminary Damage Assessment
 III. Compare Korea with U.S.A in Damage Assessment
  1. Reports to the Government
  2. Damage Assessment
  3. Central Government Decision to support Damaged area
  4. Compare Korea with America in Assistance Funds
  5. Cost Share
  6. Calculating Damaged Cost
  7. Assistance Methods


  • Cheon Jik Bae Manager. Department of Distribution, Korea Disaster Relief Association., Korea


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