


전자전 지원장비의 성능확인을 위한 펄스분석기 동기화 방안연구


The study of Pulse Analyzer Synchronization for Verifying ES Equipment

심홍석, 박범준, 이동규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



During the development of electronic warfare support (ES) equipments, it was required to come up with an objective and quantitative test methods in order to verify the performance of an equipment. Although there are a variety of verification methods available, reliable and proven measurement equipments should be used first in order to validate an objective test and assess the developed equipment. In this study, we used a commercial instrument, the Agilent's Pulse Analyzer, to analyze the general performance of an ES equipment. Naturally, commercial instruments have production features that do not support the use of evaluation. Agilent's Pulse Analyzer also has some performance limitations for the use of testing an ES equipment. Because of this, we developed a new software to overcomes the constraints of the Pulse Analyzer. Also, a reliable assessment method is proposed to test the developed ES equipment.


 1. 서론
 2. 관련연구
 3. 펄스분석기 동기화 방안
 4. 시험결과
 5. 결론


  • 심홍석 Shim, Hong Suk. 삼성탈레스 전자전연구소 선임연구원
  • 박범준 Park, Beom Jun. 국방과학연구소 전자전체계개발단 선임연구원
  • 이동규 Lee, Dong Kyu. 삼성탈레스 전자전연구소 수석연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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