

명사류의 (비)해석성 일치 자질이 재귀대명사 습득에 미치는 영향


The Effect of the (Un)interpretable Agreement Feature of Nominals on the Acquisition of Reflexive Pronouns


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



One of the most common errors that the Korean speakers make in learning L2 anaphors is that they allow long-distance binding in English where anaphoric binding is restricted mostly to a local relation. It has been assumed that these errors result from the transfer of L1's rather free remote binding to L2. In this paper, I explore the question of what is exactly transferred in L2 learning of binding within the minimalist framework of syntax in Lasnik (2001) and Chomsky (2002). This paper suggests that long-distance binding is possible by an uninterpretable feature which activates Agree between a reflexive pronoun and its remote antecedent. For this, it is proposed that the number-feature of Korean nominals can be uninterpretable, whereas that of English ones is not. This is supported by the evidence in Korean that the distinction between many and much is not clear, and that the plural marker -tul is deleted.


 1. 서론  2. 대용사 결속 이론
 3. L2 영어 대용사 습득
 4. 명사류 자질의 매개변항
 5. 결론


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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