I have considered the Korean character sets used in North and South Korea, including unicode and analyzed their way to improvement accord with Korean features. It can be used all around from Korean as a minimal element of following a feature of initial sound, medial vowel, final consonant from ancient data. I presented a character set that can role as a medium for conversion. Korean alphabets arrangement and input methods of 12 keypad are studied. Simply number of strokes are not proper to performance evaluation index. Number of movement, distance of movement, and usage of additive keys must be considered. It is optimal where ㅗ-ㅏ-ㅣ are on 4-5-6 keys. Necessity of old korean alphabets is increasing. Two sets system and three sets system is applicable to approach the design.
1. 서론
2. 12 자판의 설계 요건
3. 입력 및 배열의 분류
3.1 입력 방식의 분류
3.2 수록하는 자모에 따라
3.3 자모 배열의 분류
4. 성능지표
4.1 성능지표의 종류
4.2 지표와 연접현상 반영
4.3 종합 지표
5. 현대 한글용 12 자판
5.1 자모의 수와 자음군 모음군의 키 수
5.2 설계 방향
5.3 설계 결과 및 설명
5.4 자모교대형
6. 옛한글용(정음용) 12 자판
6.1 옛한글용 두벌식 12자판
6.2 옛한글 세벌식 12자판
7. 결론