

일곱째 재앙 경고(출 9: 13-21) 재고


The Warning of the Seventh Plague(Ex 9: 13-21) Reconsidered


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to analyze the so-called “Hail Plague,” the 7th plague among 10 plagues described in Exodus. Because the text of the plague narrative is fairly long, I divide the whole text into two sections (9: 13-21 and 9: 22-35). In this paper the first part of the text is analyzed and critically annotated. The 7th plague is to destroy the people, animals and vegetables out in the field. Those who are inside would not be harmed by this plague. Pharaoh's courtiers had two options: bringing their servants and animals into the houses or leaving them out in the field. If all the servants were brought into the houses, there would not be a human victims by the plague. Therefore, the main target of this plague had to be those vegetables and trees which could not be moved inside. Unlike the previous plagues, it was possible for the Egyptians to avoid the hail plague if they believed in the words of YHWH spoken by Moses. The inevitable question focuses on the reason why YHWH gave those courtiers options to be exempted from the plague. Certainly the number of death would be reduced if some of the courtiers listened to Moses' warning. In conclusion, the main target of the 7th plague seems to be anything alive in the field. It means all the living beings in the land would be dead by the severe hailstorm as long as they are in the field. In the first half of the hail plague text, the overarching conceptuality is the land which is the space of death. The warning of the 7th plague(9: 13-21) is definitely highlighting this undeniable emphasis throughout the text.


이 논문은 출 9장 13-21절의 본문을 분석함으로 우박재앙에 나타난 ‘개념성’(槪念性)을 추적하고자 한다. 열 가지 재앙 중에서 일곱째에 해당하는 재앙을 다루는 본문(출 9: 13-35)은 길이가 긴 편에 속하기 때문에 저자는 이것을 두 개의 논문으로 나누어 연구하였는데, 이 논문은 그 첫 번째 것이다. 저자는 이 연구를 통해서 우박재앙의 본문에 나타난 ‘개념성’이 이전의 6개의 재앙의 경우처럼 죽음의 공간인 ‘땅’이라는 것을 확인한다.


1. 서론
 2. 본론: 본문사역 및 주석
 3. 결론
 4. 참고문헌


  • 장석정 Sok Chung Chang. 관동대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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