

한국인 구약학자의 박사학위 논문(1931년-2010년)에 나타난 학문적 경향에 대한 분석


An Analytical Study of Academic Trends in Doctoral Dissertations in the OT Studies by Korean Scholars (1931-2010)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



An Analytical Study of Academic Trends in Doctoral Dissertations in the OT Studies by Korean Scholars (1931-2010) Sang Lae Kim, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Theology Sahmyook University The academic analysis of their doctoral dissertations in the Old Testament by Korean scholars has not yet been once attempted. This paper is to grasp the academic trends by analyzing these dissertations. For this, one hundred and twenty nine dissertations have been collected. The analysis has been accomplished according to the ‘when’ (year), ‘where’ (school) and ‘what’ (topic). Firstly, the following result is deduced from the analysis of ‘when’ (year). This shows that the number of Korean doctoral-degree holders in the OT Studies has been increased twice or three times in each decade. Secondly, the analysis of 'where (schools)' shows the following result. This diagram shows that the academic globalization has been established in the society of Old Testament Studies in Korea. Scholars from 'foreign' are still in majority, but the production from ‘domestic’ is on the way of rapid growth. This promises that we are ready to do Koreanized Old Testament Studies in the context of globalization. Especially, scholars from 'Israel' makes to expect to deepen and broaden the linguistic horizon of the Old Testament Studies in Korea. Thirdly, ‘what (topic)’ of dissertations is analyzed by the following categories; Studies on the Old Testament, Studies with the Old Testament, Studies for the Old Testament, and Studies on the Old Testament Studies. The analysis shows that Korean scholars are mainly interested in the 'Studies on the Old Testament.' That is, their academic concern is focused on exploring the text of the Old Testament itself. But the studies in other categories also became the focus of academic attention, although still in minority.


이 논문은 지난 80년 동안 이루어진 한국인들의 구약학 박사학위 논문에 나타난 학문적 경향성을 분석한다. 이 논문에서 저자는 수집된 120편의 논문을 대상으로 학위 이수의 지역적 분포, 연대별 분포, 그리고 분야별 분포를 분석한다. 이를 통해 저자는 한국 구약학계의 세계화된 역량과 세분화 된 연구 동향을 파악하고자 한다.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 한국 구약학의 학문적 동향에 대한 선행 연구들
 3. 연대 및 지역으로 본 한국구약학 박사학위 분포
 4. 주제 및 범위로 분류한 구약학 박사학위 논문
  1) 구약에 대한 연구(Studies on the Old Testament)
  2) 구약과 함께 하는 연구(Studies with the Old Testment)
  3) 구약을 위한 연구(Studies for the Old Testament)
  4) 구약학 연구(Studies on the Old Testament Studies)
 5. 요약과 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 김상래 Sang Lae Kim. 삼육대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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