

사울이 다윗을 모르는 사건(삼상 17: 55-58)에 대한 신학적 재조명


A Theological Reconsideration of Saul's Ignorance of David (1Sam 17: 55-58)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Theological Reconsideration of Saul's Ignorance of David(1Sam. 17: 55-58) Jae Gu Kim, Ph. D. Lecturer, Department of Theology Hyup Sung University At first glance, the incident of Saul's unrecognition of David in 1Sam. 17: 55-58 seems to break the flow of the storyline because Saul has already well known David. Many scholars have tried to solve this inconsistency, mainly in terms of the causes of the different sources and the changing relationship between Saul and David without presenting any other comparable examples. But they still leave several unsolved questions behind, expecially about the reason the author/redactor did not harmonize this inconsistency and the existence of other similar examples in the Bible. This paper is to venture to answer these questions, using the method of intertextuality. This method reveals there is the prototype of the Saul-David story, that is, the Exodus story. Thus the ‘Exodus Paradigm’ is utilized to compare ‘Saul-David story’ with ‘Pharaoh-Joseph/Moses/Israel story.’ As Pharaoh is saved when he recognizes Joseph, so Saul is also relived from his trouble when he recognizes David. But when both Pharaoh(different one) and Saul fail to recognize Joseph and David respectively, they fall into despair and eventually into utter destruction. The unrecognition must be politically intentional severance of relationship to both troubled ones with the fear of the gradual greatness of Israel and David. Saul's unrecognition of David alludes to the future conflict between him and David. Thus, it is not a literary inconsistency but an intentional literary technique to adumbrate what is to come after. Further proofs can be presented by the more elements from the Exodus motif. After this unrecognition, Pharaoh and Saul with fear of the greatness of Israel and David respectively try to eliminate their counterparts by the same three steps. Firstly, as using his personal attempt, Pharaoh let the Israelites undergo hard labor building his store cities, so Saul with his spear attempts to kill David. When their attempts fail, both depend on the foreigners to kill their enemies(Pharaoh-Hebrew midwives and Saul-Philistines). When it fails too, they command their people to kill their enemies. But eventually Moses and David are saved and become the members of the royal family. Likewise, the Exodus Paradigm reveals that the Saul-David story is written in the pattern of the Exodus motif, demonstrating recognition brings life and unrecognition whether by accident or design brings disaster. Thus, Saul's unrecognition of David is intended to function the turning point of the future severance of the relationship between Saul and David.


본 연구는 문맥의 전개에 모순처럼 보이는 ‘사울이 다윗을 인식하지 못하는 사건’(삼상 17: 56-58)이 이질적인 자료의 충돌이 아니라 사울과 다윗의 인생이 극적으로 교차되는 역전의 순간임을 제시하려는 신학적인 의도를 지니고 있음을 밝힌다. 저자는 삼상 17장 56-58절이 사울과 다윗의 관계의 단절을 미리 암시하며, 두 사람의 운명이 뒤바뀌는 시점을 보이려는 문학적 기교임을 주장한다.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 명백한 모순 극복을 위한 노력들
 3. ‘사울-다윗’ 대 ‘바로-모세’ 의 비교
 4. '사울-다윗’ 대 ‘바로-요셉/이스라엘’ 의 비교
 5. ‘나발-다윗’ 대 ‘사울-다윗’ 의 비교
 6. 나가는 말
 7. 참고문헌


  • 김재구 Jae Gu Kim. 협성대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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