

한국 구약학회 '에레츠 이스라엘을 가다'


KOTS goes to 'Erets Israel'


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



KOTS goes to 'Erets Israel' Yoon-Jong Yoo, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Theology Pyeongtaek University This essay purposes to describe KOTS's visit to 'Eretz Israel' in celebration for jubilee year anniversary with historical and archaeological explanations. The essay is arrayed in chronological order which we visited. Twenty eight members joined from June 17 to June 25, 2010. First, I would like to classify places where we visited according to the following criteria, though some places are ambiguous to classify: 1) The ancient Tel or ruins: Archaeological Garden and City of David in Jerusalem, Jericho, Qumran, Masada, Aphek, Meggido, Beth Shan, Avdat, Gezer, Azekah, Lachish, Tel Arad, Beersheba, Tel Dan, Hasor, Bethsaida, Capernaum, 2) Historical sites: Dung Gate, Damascus Gate, Tomb of Rachel, Via Dolorosa, Bethany, Mt. Olives, Western Wall, Western Wall Tunnel, Temple Mount, Siloam Tunnel, Akeldama, Kidron valley, Ein Kerem, Tabga, Hebron (Machpelah), Caesarea, 3) Natural Scenic Area: Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Yam Ashdod, Engedi, Wadi Qelt, Mt. Carmel, Mt. Tabor, Golan Heights, Banias, Dead Sea, Jordan River, Mitzpe Ramon, Timna National Park, 4) Museum or institution: Bible Land Museum, Israel Museum, Bible Museum, Yad wa Shem, Tzir Yehuda, Bengurion University. Second, I like to classify places where we visited according to geography of Israel: 1) Judaean & Ephraim Mountain: Jerusalem, Bethany, Jericho, Hebron, Qumran, Dead Sea, Masada, Beth Shan, Ein Kerem, 2) Negev Area: Beersheba, Avdat, Arad, Timnah National Park, 3) Shepelah: Gezer, Azekah, Beth Semesh, Lachish, 4) Galilee & North: Hasor, Dan, Capernaum, Golan Heights, 5) Central Hill area: Meggido, Mt. Carmel, Jezreel, 5) Sea: Yam Ashdod, Caesarea. Joppa. To an Old Testament scholar, Eretz Israel is the most important subject to study. It was a great chance to study Eretz Israel systematically in person. During seven days, we have visited more than sixty places in all over the Israel. We moved here and there like military training. It was tough, but nobody complained. Eretz Israel is soil from which Judaism, Christianity, and Islam came from. However, unfortunately, because of security problem, we cannot visit many places in West Bank and Gaza. It is quite irony. It provides the reason why we have to pray for the peace of the world. In sum, it is quite certain that the visit was illuminating, challenging, and enhancing for KOTS members' understanding to the Old Testament.


이 글은 한국 구약학회 창립 50주년 기념 이스라엘 방문기를 여행 일지뿐만 아니라 유용한 역사적, 성서적 설명과 함께 덧붙여 구약성서 및 이스라엘에 대한 이해를 높이는데 목적을 둔다. 이글은 8박 9일에 걸쳐 방문한 60여 곳 이상의 역사적, 고고학적 장소와 중요 박물관과 멋진 자연 경관에 대해서 자세히 소개한다.


1. 시작하면서.
 2. 성서의 땅 순례
  1) 첫째 날, 6월 17일(목)
  2) 둘째 날, 6월 18일(금)
  3) 셋째 날, 6월 19일(토)
  4) 넷째 날, 6월 20일(일)
  5) 다섯째 날, 6월 21일(월)
  6) 여섯째 날, 6월 22일(화)
  7) 일곱째 날, 6월 23일(수)
  8) 8일째 날, 6월 24일(목)
  9) 9일째 날, 6월 25일(금)
 3. 마무리
 4. 참고문헌


  • 유윤종 평택대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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