

포로 이후 유다 공동체에서 역대기 족보가 지니는 의미


The Meaning of the Chronicler's Genealogy in the Jewish Community for the postexilic period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Meaning of the Chronicler's Genealogy in the Jewish Community for the postexilic period Hyeong-Geun So, Dr. theol. Professor, Department of General Education Namseoul University Genealogies in ancient societies were not fixed material, but fluid material that could be changed according to the social environment and the needs of the times. It is clear that genealogy in 1 Chr 1-9(= "genealogische Vorhalle") also reflects the chronicler's time. The Prophet Samuel, son of Elkanah was from the tribe of Ephraim in 1 Sam 1: 1, but according to 1 Chr 6: 27-28 he was from the tribe of Levi. This problem is resulted from the needs of the time by the chronicler. In the time of chronicler the only membership of the tribe of Levi could play a role as a priest (Esra 2: 62-63). Therefore it was said that the genealogy of the family of Samuel was modified. In 1 Chr 1-9 there are materials of religious(1 Chr 6), political(1 Chr 3), and military(1 Chr 5; 7: 1-5, 6-10, 30-40) purposes and etc. For example, the genealogy of the religious sphere in 1 Chr 6 concerns legitimacay of the successor to an office(priest). The genealogies of 1 Chr 1-9 are complicated by various materials. Consequently the chronicler copied his source material as copier, edited his source material as editor, summarized his source material as summarizer, and interpreted his source material as interpretor. The purpose of the genealogies in 1 Chr 1-9 is manifest in the theme of legitimacy and continuity as revealed in the thought of priesthood and theocracy. The description of David-Solomon in Chronicles was idealized, since David is described as temple-preparator and Solomon as temple-builder. The image of David-Solomon as ideal kings is associated with the idea of Jerusalem Temple, which was the most important existence in the time of chronicles. In addition the Aaronite priesthood is centered in the genealogy of 1 Chr 1-9. The genealogies of 1 Chr 1-9 are intended to speak of Israel in the World (by the world genealogy in 1 Chr 1), Jerusalem in Israel (by the expectation of the establishment of Davidic dynasty in the post-exilic period) and the temple in Jerusalem (the place of integration and compromise between the priests and levites).


본 논문은 역대기의 족보 기록이 의미하는 바를 밝힐 목적으로 연구되었다. 역대기 족보 목록은 다양한 자료들의 편집에 의한 것이었으며, 특히 이중 편집적 특징이 잘 드러나고 있다. 그 핵심에는 초기 자료층에 의한 다윗 왕조의 재건과 후기 자료층에 의한 국민적 통합(온 이스라엘 사상과 제사장과 레위인의 통합과 화합)을 꾀할 목적으로 편찬되었다.


1. 서론
 2. 족보 이해와 목적
 3. 역대기의 족보 자료 활용
  1) 이전 자료들을 재인용한 예들
  2) 이전 자료들을 편집한 예들
  3) 이전 자료들을 요약한 예들
  4) 이전 자료를 해석한 예들
 4. 역대기 족보의 의미
  1) 유다(다윗) 자손에 대한 강조
  2) 레위 자손에 대한 강조
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 소형근 남서울대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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