

Design of RSSI Signal Based Transmit-Receiving Device for Preventing from Wasting Electric Power of Transmit in Sensor Network



In WPAN environment using the existing ZigBee communication, the determination of transmitting electric power output of sensor is set up at the early stage which composes system. Therefore, the devices which compose WPAN use the way to transmit with the output value that is set as fixed irrelevantly to the distance of other device and it causes excessive electric power for transmitting. As a result, the life-expectancy of battery is reduced and there happens interference among devices. So, in this paper, a transmit-receiving system which can transmit signal using proper electric power for transmit to other device that transmits signal by the receiving intensity of measured signal after measuring intensity of RSSI of each device for solving interruption problem among device and wasting electric power transmitting.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research
  2.1 Wireless Sensor Network
  2.2 WPAN and WLAN
  2.3 Overview of THE 802.15.4 Based ZigBee
 3. Design of RSSI Signal Based Transmit-Receiving Device
  3.1 Components of WPAN for Low Power Transmit-Receiving System
  3.2 Receiving Module Functin and the Structure of Device Composing WPAN
  3.3 Transmit Module Function of Device Composing WPAN
  3.4 Function of Transmit Electric Power Search Module
 4. Conclustion


  • Yong-Tae Kim Department of Multimedia Engineering, Hannam University
  • Yoon-Su Jeong Department of Computer Science Chungbuk National University
  • Gil-Cheol Park Department of Multimedia Engineering, Hannam University


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