In this paper, the researcher looked into major issues in the “Act (Draft) on Remedy for Damage from Medical Accident and Medical Dispute Mediation, etc.” which was proposed by the Health & Welfare Committee, the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, and which was pending with the Legislation & Judiciary Committee. Then the researcher pointed out worrisome problems therein and presented suggestions to improve problematic situations. First of all, the researcher examined the following items which are major points in the aforementioned Act: 1) Establishment of Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Center, 2) Procedures for mediation and arbitration of medical disputes, 3) Establishment of Medical Injury Compensation Association, 4) Introduction of proxy payment for damages, 5) Compensation for no-fault medical accidents, 6) A system concerned with special cases on criminal punishment Next, the researcher closely reviewed the following possible issues: 1) Limit of arbitrary mediation, 2) Postponement of the system concerned with special case on criminal punishment, 3) Examination of reasons for rejection, 4) Function and role of the Appraisal department, 5) A possibility of being reduced to an evidence collection procedure for lawsuit, 6) A possibility of no-fault compensation rather than injury compensation, 7) Operational issues related proxy payment for damages Lastly, the researcher presented suggestions on how to improve each problematic issue.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 법률 제정 추진경과
Ⅲ. 의료사고 피해구제 및 의료분쟁조정 등에 관한 법률안의 주요내용
1. 한국의료분쟁조정중재원의 설립
2. 의료분쟁의 조정 및 중재절차
3. 의료배상공제조합의 설립
4. 손해배상금 대불제도 도입
5. 무과실의료사고에 대한 보상
6. 형사처벌 특례제도 도입
Ⅳ. 우려되는 문제와 개선점
1. 임의적 조정제도의 한계
2. 형사처벌특례제도의 유예
3. 각하사유에 대한 검토
4. 감정부의 기능과 역할
5. 소송을 위한 증거수집 절차로 전락할 가능성
6. 과실배상보다는 무과실 보상의 가능성
7. 손해배상금 대불제도 운용상의 문제
V. 결어