A new approach to modified S-transform based non-stationary power signal de-noising is presented in this paper. Modified S-transform is employed in de-noising techniques to separate high frequency noise which is prevalent in practical signals like power disturbance signals from the low frequency undistorted signals. In this we have tried to bring out the advantage of the modified S-transform and its application in power signal analysis through various examples. S-transform with modified Gaussian window is found to provide excellent normalized frequency contours of the power signal disturbances suitable for accurate detection, localization and classification. The implementation of the de-noising scheme has been carried out in FPGA using non-stationary power signals.
1. Introduction
2. The S –transform
2.1 The Inverse S-Transform
2.2 The S-Transform and It’s Inverse in the Discrete Case
3. The Modified S-Transform
3.1 Discrete Form of the Modified S-Transform (DMST)
3.2 The Inverse MST
4. MST in De-noising
4.1 De-noised Algorithm
4.2 Filtering Approach for De-noising Power Signal
4.3 Simulation Results
5. FPGA Implementation of Modified S-transform
5.1 Design of S-Filter
5.2 Data Flow Diagram
5.3 Buffer Description and Realization
5.4 FPGA Implementation results
6. Conclusion